Pre-Construction Anti-Termite Treatment

Pre constructional anti-termite treatment is a process in which soil treatment is applied to a building in early stages of its construction. The purpose of anti-termite treatment is to provide the building with a chemical barrier against the sub-terrain termites. Anti-termite treatment being a specialized job, calls for thorough knowledge of the chemicals, soils, termite to be dealt with and the environmental conditions, in order to give effective treatment and lasting protection to the property undergoing treatment.
Pre-Construction Termite Treatment Stages

- We treat the sides and bottom surface of the foundation trenches and pits with chemical to a height of about 30cm at the rate of 5 Lit. per square meter of surface area.

- Backfill earth on each side of all built up walls, which will be in immediate contact with the foundation, should be treated with chemical at the rate of 7.5Lit. per linear meter of vertical surface of the substructure, to a depth of 45cm and width of 15cm. The chemical shall be directed towards the masonry surfaces so that earth in contact with these surfaces is well treated with the chemical.
- Before laying the floor, treat the top surface of the consolidated earth within the plinth walls with chemical at the rate of 5lit. per square meter. Ensure back fill against foundation is treated to its full depth.
- On completion of construction of the building a trench depending on the depth of the foundation will be made on the external perimeter of the building and same will be flooded by termite chemicals. Earth in the trench will be filled and filled earth will also be treated at regular intervals.