Sanitization & Disinfection Treatment

Sanitization & Disinfection by Demira Pest Control

A quick-spreading and infectious virus is a serious situation. On top of spreading through human contact, often the bacteria and germs found in these viruses can live on surfaces and objects for up to two weeks. Along with refraining from close personal contact with infected people, it’s important to keep our daily environments safe and sanitized too. When it comes to disinfecting and sanitizing your home or office, Demira Pest Control is fully trained and equipped to help.

Our Technicians

We care about your safety and our technician’s. They will visit your premises in fully encapsulated personal protective equipment (PPE). This includes full face respiratory masks covering eyes, mouth and nose, protective disposable gloves, overalls, and overshoes. Essentially, they are in a protective bubble. They follow all applicable rules and guidance from the Indian government.

The Disinfectant We Use

We use a specialised 7th Generation government approved Micro-Emulsion anti-viral disinfectant with a sustained release system. This is applied using our ultra-low volume mist machines. All areas are coated with this colourless, non-toxic odourless disinfectant including floors, soft furnishings, ceilings, walls, skirting boards, cupboards etc – even the undersides of shelves and desks. As the micro particles settle onto the surfaces the disinfectant kicks in fast killing bacteria and viruses. When applied by specialist ULV and spraying equipment it has been independently and scientifically tested to kill 99.999% all harmful pathogens and viruses within five minutes. This includes COVID-19, Norovirus, Swine Flu, HIV, Hepatitis C, E. coli, Salmonella.

24-Hour Rapid Response

If your home or work place have been infected by a Virus, or you are simply taking precautionary measures, Demira Pest Control is here to assist. As professional experts, we have all the necessary equipment and advances machinery to handle Virus Sanitization and Virus Disinfection. We offer a rapid response 24-hour services. You can Contact Us at any time for Virus Disinfection & Sanitization.

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